The Unapologetic Living Code 

You've been working toward the goal of balance when as an overstretched professional woman without ever feeling any closer to balance. 

That ends now.  

In my world, women don't wait to enjoy their lives until they find balance, they build the equanimity that creates it. 

Ahuva Hershkop, Founder 

I'm Ahuva 
your chief problem solver. 

I know you've spent years trying to answer the question "HOW do I possible achieve work life balance without giving up on my professional goals??"

HOW are you supposed to "balance" the hustle needed to be a wife, mother, daughter, boss babe, community member and continue being a functioning human being?

How are you supposed to do it all?! 

I know, I was there too. Just a few years ago I was so caught up in "doing it all" that I went back to work 6....yes you read that right SIX days after giving birth to my son in the middle of a global pandemic because I was too scared of losing momentum in my nutrition practice, or feeling like a failure for needing a break. 

I know in your mind it was "going to get easier" one day when: 

😜You got promoted 
😜Your kids slept through the night 
😜Your business started making more money 

And you are over a decade into your career finding yourself even more overworked, overstretched, and stuck in hustle than you ever knew possible with no idea how to keep running the marathon that is your life without having to ask for help (and we all know how you feel about that!!!). 

The good news? 

You don't need to burn it all down (really!)
You don't need to change jobs or just quit all together 
You don't need to start googling Adult ADHD to deal with your lack of focus 
You don't even need to have a conversation with your partner about how carrying the mental load is impacting you and how he REALLY needs to remember to take the garbages out on garbage day 

 We just need to change the goal from balance to equanimity

It all starts with why 

You can spend the rest of your life struggling with HOW to finally: 

🤦‍♀️ Navigate a busy career AND busy home life without completely losing yourself in the process 
🤦‍♀️Trade feeling busy and overwhelmed for the productivity and focus you know yourself to be capable of 
🤦‍♀️Learn how to "do it all" without feeling like you need to clone yourself t do it

While continuing to spin in overwhelm.   

OR in 90 days you can achieve crystal clarity on: 
🙌 WHY your brain, thought patterns and patterns show up the way that they do
🙌Learn how to rewire your neural pathways and regulate your nervous system to completely end the overwhelm 
🙌 Re-write your operating systems (ie seamlessly integrate new habits!) to double your productivity without ever having to rely on willpower or motivation  

Only the latter will allow you to create a life where you get to wake up in the morning feeling like you've got this, no matter what "this" proves to be

How we create together: 

The Unapologetic Living Code 

90 days to: 
✔️Doubling your productivity while creating more space on your calendar 
✔️Achieving your goals in 50% less time with 50% less overwhelm using the exact frameworks and strategies I use with my clients 
✔️Re-learning who YOU are and building the life that YOU want to live outside of societal pressure, perfectionism and the people pleasing that's keeping you stuck

1:1 done with you coaching 

Corporate Partnerships: 
 It should never feel like you have to choose between  profitability and productivity and truly showing up for your people.
I consistently hear the challenges encountered by leadership teams who are motivated to create the frameworks, policies, and changes that will directly improve retention, increase engagement, and support women in their organizations, yet lack the necessary blueprint for implementation without upheaval to their existing corporate structures.

By working directly with your leadership teams and junior- to senior-level employees, I'll create supportive channels of communication and obtain a comprehensive understanding of why professional women in your organization feel stretched. Once these reasons have been identified, we will co-create a custom strategy and implementation roadmap that paves the way for empowered and engaged employees, without significant upheaval to your organization.

✔️ Short term trainings (See examples here) for executive leadership team, and women staff members
✔️ In house coaching for management and staff

Do you coordinate learning and development for your company? Get in touch and let's work together. 

If this sounds like something your company could benefit from, click here to send an email to me and your head of HR or Head of People and let us handle the rest!   

"I wanted to mention that I have sustained the results from the ULC. I don't think about my to do list. I do what needs to get done. I'm stepping I to the weekend with no errands, a clean house and dinner in the oven. However, I do have lots of times when I have a cluttered house, I'm doing things and no dinner plans and that is perfectly fine too.
 I can exist in both worlds. 
I take breaks!
 I'm also no longer waiting for retirement. I'm having a good time now"
“In a few hours I will be presenting in front of the CEO of my company, a bunch of VPs and new people. I'm talking about what our department does within the organization amongst other VPs. My boss is away. It's fairly lengthy. My plan is to separate my nervousness from what I'm doing. I've basically marinated myself in the material so I can talk freely. I've told myself that it's okay if they "see me" and I can let my authentic self shine. I have bombed so many presentations in high school. I had to do my music tests in a separate room. I've come so far!!”

"This is working like MAGIC. Client sessions used to exhaust me because I tried to make sure they got enough value. I ended up giving them 1000 recommendations every time, they left confused, I left overwhelmed but if I didn't I felt so guilty because I didn't give them 'enough'. 
It's so clear now how my perfectionism was just getting in my way. 
I've been so much more concise in my recommendations, clients are getting better results than ever and I don't leave work feeling like a wet rag!"
"The Unapologetic Living Code has helped me get out of burn out. I didn't expect it would also help me be more efficient with my tasks at work too. It's helped my overall well being. It also extended to help my marriage. I no longer feel the need to "do it all". I can focus on the things that my family needs and still prioritize myself."
"Other things are automatic now. When I drive I don't look at the time. I don't stress over the meals on busy nights. I allow myself to feel happy and reward myself as much as I can. I'm drawing as a hobby and enjoying it. I'm planning a birthday party at HOME. I've seen friends that I delayed seeing until I have my life together. I'm going to an event with curly hair. Growth!"

 My main goal was to get out of burn out but I've actually been able to strive. Start new relationships, try new hobbies and take care of myself better.

I felt like I was going through a maze before. A right and wrong way of getting through things. Now it's like I have a ball of clay and I make the rules and I can freely choose what happens around me and in my mind. It feels unknown but when you take it slow it will be what you want. Obviously it's not perfect but it's a different feeling.

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